
Arradon has a long gently sloping shore, facing full south, from which the islands can be seen. It’s a little like the Riviera of the Gulf of Morbihan. Its coast is a succession of beautiful homes with terraced gardens leading down to the beach.

Oyster farms populate the slightest inlet and fields line the coastal path.

It is a paradise for holiday makers, so make a stopover and enjoy it. Here the warm season lasts nearly all year round. The Catagolfe in October brings hundreds of light catamarans together to race in the currents. Later, the mist lifts on thousands of Brent geese from Siberia overwintering. In the spring, you can get back on the water to fish bass or “morgate” (cuttlefish).

7 rue de la Carrière
56610 Arradon

Tel. + 33 (0)2 97 44 01 23
Aujourd'hui 08:30-19:30
Demain 09:00-12:30 13:30-19:00

Les ports Passeport Escales


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Compagnie des ports du morbihan