The history of the Island of Houat’s little sister is much the same. It was taken over and over again by the English. Its fort is now the property of the Conservatoire du littoral (Coastal Conservancy). There is much to protect on this 2.5 km long island. Jersey pinks, sand lilies, historical remains and remnants of insular lifestyles. Everything here is fragile like the sand, exposed like the dune, and long-lasting like the granite.
The population of the two islands sometimes felt so abandoned by France that it was self-governed from 1815 to 1892, under the authority of the rectors and the rules of the “Hoëdic Charter”. Back then, Port de la Croix, which was destroyed by a storm, was rebuilt by the whole population, women and children included. Since 1973, there has been another harbour on the island, the better protected Port d’Argol on the north coast.
In 2012, pontoons were installed, providing new moorings for boaters.